About Location/Content Categories

The engine supports two types of document categorization - the choice of which (or both) to use should be made based on the features of each.

Location Categories

Content Categories

Auto Assign Location Categories

Using Index Management Tool

You can automatically assign pages to specific Location categories directly from your Visual Studio project. Select Manage Index from the SearchResult control and click 'Locations'.

1. Enter the name of the Location category you would like to create.
2. In the Auto Assign Path column, enter the string that will be used to identify matching pages.
3. To automatically assign pages that have already been imported, click 'Auto Assign Documents'.
Note: To reassign documents that have already been assigned to a category select 'Auto Reassign All Documents'.

Any future imported documents that meet the location criteria will be automatically assigned for you.

Using Web Administration Tool

To automatically assign documents to Location categories you will need to;

1. Select 'Manage Location Categories'.
2. Enter the name of the Location category you would like to create.
3. In the Location Root Path field, enter the string that will be used to identify matching pages.
4. Click 'Add'.
5. To automatically assign pages that have already been imported, click 'Auto Assign'.
Note: Select 'All Documents' and click 'Auto Assign' to reassign documents that have already been assigned to a category.

Any future imported documents that meet the location criteria will be automatically assigned for you.

Assigning Content And Location Categories Through Meta Tags

HTML producing pages (.html, .aspx, .asp etc) can be assigned to categories via meta tags. Simply add either or both of the following tags to the HEAD section of the HTML document before building the Index.

<meta name='Keyoti_Search_Location_Category' content='locationName1'  />
<meta name="Keyoti_Search_Content_Categories" content="contentName1, contentName2, ...." />

Note that;

- Whatever Content/Location category is set using meta tags will completely override any other category assignments made each time the index is built.
- A document can belong to only one location category, but can belong to any number of content categories
- Content category names should be separated by commas
- If the specified location or content category does not already exist, it will be created (this means that care must be made not to enter typo's)

You can reset a document back to the default category using the following tags;

<meta name='Keyoti_Search_Location_Category' content='default'  />
<meta name="Keyoti_Search_Content_Categories" content="default" />

Assigning Content And Location Categories Through Central Event System

Please see this example